Look out visits
- Weekly, monthly or on demand visits
- Relay of mail
- Rerouting invoiced as a visit and shipping costs charged back as they are
Housekeeping/ventilation of empty premises
- Out of season maintenance to keep the location from humidity and ease last minute arrivals. (Once a month recommended)
- Garden maintenance, hedges and lawn mowing. (On demand or annual contract.)
- Look out of maintenance and refurbishment work made by professionals with reports accompanied with photos for a full tranquility.
- Order/buy flat pack furnitures, we receive and assemble them for you so you just have to use them on your arrival.
- Do you want to change the interior of your location? We are here to help you coordinate everything and get rid of old furnitures.
Minor maintenance work
- A leaking tap? A bulb to change? a gasket to change? A shelf to put? In brief, we can relieve you from all the small things that annoy your everyday
- wintering/unwintering: Empty the water circuit, preserve hygiene by placing dehumidifiers, cut unnecessary electricity breakers and make savings without suffering from the consequencies of this on your day of arrival. A cumfort that it becomes difficult to do without once you tried it.
- For further needs, do not hesitate to contact us.